
Batik to Stitch
A Two-Day Class for All Levels
Laura Smith

October 18-19, 2024

Registration deadline is September 30.

National teacher Laura Smith will share her Batik to Stitch workshop with us for a two-day program on October 18 –19. The class will run from 9 to 4 each day and will be held at A Space for Art in Cohoes.
Batik can create complex, stitchable designs with color layering on fabric. Wax is applied to fabric with a stamp called a tjap (pronounced “chop”). Several choices of images are offered—turtle (shown below), gecko, and butterfly to name a few.
Colors are painted in layers alternating with more wax. An optional crackling technique can create a marbled effect seen as navy blue lines in the turtle design below. Safety measures are emphasized throughout the class.
Students learn the subtleties of the batik process on Day 1. On Day 2, they create stitch plans for their designs or make more batik images. A shared class stash of threads is available with a full range of color options. Each student receives guidance for developing design elements and using subtle color concepts such as value contrast, temperature contrast, and color passages to unify the design. There is a $75 kit fee for this workshop. The kit includes Prepared for Dyeing (PFD) cotton in a variety of sizes for up to four images, paint, brushes, non-latex gloves, hand stitching threads, and needles. Students will share wax, brushes for wax, an electric frying pan, irons and ironing boards.



Moroccan Lanterns

Dr. Valentina Grubb

(Registration is closed for this program)

Our Blackwork Study Group will be stitching Moroccan Lanterns.  Participants will need to purchase the pattern from EGA National and supply their own materials.



Silken Sampler

Margaret Bendig

January, 2025

(Registration is closed for this program)



Silken Sampler is a lovely monochromatic design stitched in silk.  The sampler was designed to learn about silk laying techniques.  Of course, you may use other threads if you like.  This piece was designed to study threads and textures. The joy is in the journey – have some fun with this project. Stretch, try threads you have never used and remember “If you are not ripping, you are not learning.”

The cost for the instructions is $25.  Stitchers will purchase their own supplies. It might be fun to use threads from your stash.  Or try new threads that you’ve never used before! These are the original supplies that Margaret used:

16” x 13” piece of 18 count mono canvas, mounted on stretcher bars – color to match silk color

50 meters of Needlepoint Inc. Silk or 5 cards Splendor Silk (Rainbow Gallery)

2 skeins Watercolors Silk, to match or compliment solid silk color

Laying tool of choice

#22& #24 tapestry needles

Sponge for wetting silk

We will begin stitching in January at our Needlepoint Study group.  This project is open to all chapter members.  You do not need to attend the Needlepoint Study group in order to participate.  Of course, you are more than welcome to join the Study group.  Our Needlepoint Study Group always has a Zoom component so if you can’t join us in person, you can always Zoom in.  And you can always bring your piece to any other Chapter meeting and someone will help you.